pondělí 22. května 2017

GRacing Boats
is a simple 2d game where the only goal is to get in the first place😃.... ship's speed is constant....no gas...so, it's important drive to the best drive line track and avoiding mines which damaged player's ship and sometimes (for a moment) damage drive control.

středa 21. prosince 2016

Project KNOSSOS 3D

the interactive virtual exploration and reconstruction of the palace of Knossos

IRON FIGHTERS(working title)

....another project of world iron robots in stage suspended (so far)
the battles of the iron monsters in the open landscapes😇

Atlansea game project(W.I.P)

Atlansea(working title)- 3th person action adventure game.....in phase suspended (so far)😐


Project in excellent Godot engine on which I currently working😉😸

Ice Prison project - a sci-fi exploration game in the development phase